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dedicated to the
Preservation of History & Places
Our Story
Louisburg Historic District, Inc. was formed for the preservation of History & Places. We are organized as a 501(c)(3) corporation allowing your support to be tax deductible to the extent allowed. Consult your own tax professional.
Geographically, we are not strictly bound to the Historic District as recognized by the Department of the Interior. Beneficiaries of the fundraising efforts will include buildings, homes, cemeteries, and oral & written history.
Long-term objectives include possible purchases of endangered structures; attention to and preventing of government from competing with the private sector in the acquisition and re-purpose of historic properties; assistance to bring Historic signage to homes and buildings; QR codes to tell the stories; events to bring the community together; and to promote Louisburg to a broader audience.

• Louisburg Historic District, Inc. • PO Box 442 • Louisburg, NC 27549 • 919-435-4046 • •
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